DIY 3D Printing vs Professional 3D Printing - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

August 18, 2021

DIY 3D Printing vs Professional 3D Printing - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

Are you interested in 3D printing, but unsure about whether you should invest in a professional 3D printer, or go for a cheaper DIY option? In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of each option so you can make an informed decision.

DIY 3D Printing


  • Affordability: DIY kits are relatively inexpensive and offer an affordable entry point to 3D printing. You can easily find a decent DIY 3D printer kit for under $500.
  • Customizability: You have more control and can customize your DIY 3D printer to your liking. You can upgrade your printer with better software, motors or sensors to create better quality prints.
  • Learning experience: By building your 3D printer from a kit, you will learn the workings of the printer and how to maintain and repair it when needed.


  • Time-consuming: Unless you’re already an expert, it’ll likely take you several days or even weeks to assemble your 3D printer. Finding time for the assembly and learning curve in using the printer might turn out to be challenging.
  • Quality: Be ready to spend a fair amount of time testing and tweaking your prints to get them right.
  • Maintenance: You’ll have to invest time and effort to keep the printer running smoothly. This includes fixing and replacing any parts that break or wear down over time.

Professional 3D Printing


  • High-quality prints: Professional 3D printers are designed for accuracy, speed, and quality to create high-quality prints.
  • Larger builds: Professional 3D printers are often equipped with larger beds, allowing you to print larger objects.
  • User-friendly software: Professional 3D printers come with user-friendly software that makes it easy to print amazing models.


  • Expensive: Professional 3D printers can cost tens of thousands of dollars, making them a significant investment.
  • Limited customization: Professional 3D printers come pre-assembled, which means you have limited control over the design and functionality.


Print quality

Professional 3D printers are designed for accuracy, speed, and quality, making them far superior to most DIY kits. The high-end, pre-assembled options offer unparalleled quality.


DIY 3D printers are incredibly affordable, with many options available for under $500. Professional 3D printers, on the other hand, can cost tens of thousands of dollars, making them inaccessible to most hobbyists.

Ease of use

Professional 3D printers offer a superior user experience, with user-friendly software and pre-assembled printers. DIY kits can be a lot more hands-on and time consuming, which can be challenging for beginners.


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